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Student Tip Book
College Bound
The College Interview
Dorm Living: Bathroom Items
Dorm Living: Kitchen supplies
Dorm Living: Cleaning Supplies
Dorm Living: Electronics
Dorm Living: Odds and Ends
Organizing for Dorm Living
Dorm Living: Clothes
Dorm Living: Bedding
Organizing College Information
Make Notes on Your College File Folders
Apply Online
Preparing for the SAT
Making Your Scholarship Application Appealing
Online Scholarship Searches
Check Your State's Scholarships
Scholarship Applications
Neat Scholarship or College Applications
Current Events
Research the First Thanksgiving
Current Events
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Improve Your Vocabulary Through Current Events
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Expand Your Horizons
Travel Games
Keep a Journal
Visit College Campuses
Career Exploration
Travel Journal
Where Am I?--Get a Map.
Exploring Career Paths
Know and Be Known by the Counseling Office Personnel
Organizing for Student Success
Organize Your Wardrobe in the Summer
Bookmark Your School's Web Site
School E-mail lists
Bookmark Important Web Sites
Organizing Web Bookmarks
Use Your Time Well
Get Ahead/ Read Ahead
Important Names and Numbers
Teacher Contact Information
Show What You Know
Getting a Jump on the Fall Semester
Plan Ahead
Learn to Type
Color Code the Family Calendar
Combine Chores with Fun
Find a Notebook That Works For You
Color Coordinate Notebooks and Texts
Share Your Achievements with the Counseling Center
Planning Plusses
Pack Your Homework
Pack Larger Items in the Car
Supplies for Success
Planner Tip #2
Keep Phone Numbers
Teacher's Contact Information
Make Lists
Plan for Success
Family Calendar Tip #1
File Folders
Planner Tip #1
Backpack Pit Stop
3 Hole Punch
Put the School Year on Your Family Calendar
Increase Your Motivation
How Do You Spend Your Time?
Lay Out Clothes
Study Helps: Music & Perfume
Weekly Planning
Pick a Study Time
Family Calendar Tip #2
Plan Your
Family Calendar
Scout It Out
Study Skills/Homework Resources
Share Your Goals
Set a Timer
Study a Little Every Day
Where to Study?
Read, Read, Read!!
Rest, Rest, Rest!!
Setting the mood to study.
Ask Questions!!
Alternate Activities
Improve Class Participation Grades
Use Primary Resources
Read the Question First
Written Papers: One step at a time
Use Site Maps
Take Five
Study Daily
Improve Reading Comprehension
Increasing Concentration Time
The Purpose of Homework
Completing Homework Quickly
Use Primary Resources
Studying/test -taking
Improve Your Vocabulary
Writing and Rewriting
Music and studying
Take Five
Use a Timer
Increasing Concentration Time
Student Newsletter Archive
Study Helps: Music & Perfume
Rest, Rest, Rest!!
Setting the mood to study.
Studying/test -taking
Read, Read, Read!!
Ask Questions!!
Travel Games
Where Am I?--Get a Map.
Teacher Contact Information
Written Papers: One step at a time
Find a Notebook That Works For You
The Purpose of Homework
Show What You Know
Get Ahead/ Read Ahead
Check Your Stateīs Scholarships
Improve Your Vocabulary
Organizing for Dorm Living
Dorm Living: Clothes
Dorm Living: Bedding
Dorm Living: Bathroom Items
Dorm Living: Kitchen supplies
Dorm Living: Electronics
Dorm Living: Odds and Ends
Organizing College Information
Make Notes on Your College File Folders
Making Your Scholarship Application Appealing
The College Interview
Dorm Living: Cleaning Supplies
Plan for Success
Supplies for Success
Teacherīs Contact Information
Exploring Career Paths
Increase Your Motivation
Family Calendar
Study Helps: Music & Perfume
Rest, Rest, Rest!!
Setting the mood to study.
Studying/test -taking
Read, Read, Read!!
Ask Questions!!
Travel Games
Where Am I?--Get a Map.
Teacher Contact Information
Written Papers: One step at a time
Find a Notebook That Works For You
The Purpose of Homework
Show What You Know
Get Ahead/ Read Ahead
Check Your Stateīs Scholarships
Organizing for Dorm Living
Dorm Living: Clothes
Dorm Living: Bedding
Dorm Living: Bathroom Items
Dorm Living: Kitchen supplies
Dorm Living: Electronics
Dorm Living: Odds and Ends
Organizing College Information
Make Notes on Your College File Folders
Making Your Scholarship Application Appealing
The College Interview
Dorm Living: Cleaning Supplies
Plan for Success
Supplies for Success
Teacherīs Contact Information
Exploring Career Paths
Increase Your Motivation
Family Calendar
Study Helps: Music & Perfume
Rest, Rest, Rest!!
Setting the mood to study.
Studying/test -taking
Read, Read, Read!!
Ask Questions!!
Travel Games
Where Am I?--Get a Map.
Increasing Concentration Time
Study Daily
Study Daily
Use Site Maps
Take Five
Use Your Time Well
Dorm Living: Bedding
Study Daily
Career Exploration
Alternate Activities
Important Names and Numbers
Dorm Living: Cleaning Supplies
Backpack Pit Stop
Important Names and Numbers
Study Daily
Take Five
Scholarship Applications
Travel Journal
Preparing for the SAT
Dorm Living: Cleaning Supplies
Increasing Concentration Time
The College Interview
Improve Your Vocabulary Through Current Events
Travel Journal
The College Interview
Read the Question First
Show What You Know
Use Your Time Well
Travel Journal
Use Site Maps
Dorm Living: Bathroom Items
Increasing Concentration Time
Scholarship Applications
Travel Journal
Read the Question First
Dorm Living: Bedding
Improve Your Vocabulary Through Current Events
Increasing Concentration Time
The College Interview
Travel Journal
Dorm Living: Bathroom Items
Visit College Campuses
Supplies for Success
How Did I Ever Forget That?!
Photo Opportunities
Get Ahead- Read Ahead
Summer De-stressors
Travel Fun
Plan the Ultimate Trip for 2002
Get Energized- Learn Something New
Take Advantage of Summertime for Campus Visits
Volunteering May Lead to Careers and Scholarships
Need More Scholarships?
Are Good Manners Important?
The College Interview
Getting Winning Letters of Recommendation
Getting Organized for the College and Scholarship Search
Organizing College Information Packets
College Bound
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 27, Merit Based Scholarships
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue #26: Federal Funds for College
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue :# 23, Finding a College You`ll Love
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 23, Love is in the Air
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 22, Valentine`s Present
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 21: Reduce Stress in 2001
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 20, Glad You Asked That!: Nightmares
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 19, Glad You Asked That!
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 18, Glad You Asked That!
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 16 : Reduce Holiday Stress at Home
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 15, Reduce Stress
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 14, Reduce Stress
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 13, Reduce Stress
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue # 12: Improve Your Vocabulary
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 11, Researching Thanksgiving
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 10, Primary Resources
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue #9, Participate for Better Grades
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 8: Keeping Track of Homework Resources
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 7: Improve Your Reading Comprehension
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 6: Study Daily
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 5: Managing Big Projects
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue 4: Back to School
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue #3: Back to School
Student-tips Newsletter, Issue #1: Back to School
Student Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need for my college dorm room?
How can concentration time be increased?
What bathroom items do I need for life in the dorm?
How should I prepare for the SAT?
What kind of bedding do I need for my dorm room?
Where can I find college scholarships?
Where should I go to find out about special opportunities?
What can I do this summer?
I am a high school student. What can I do this summer vacation?
Should scholarship applications be typed?
How can I find out about special off campus opportunities?
What kind of notebook should I use for my different classes?
What can I do to make traveling more fun?
What can I do if required to complete boring assignments.
How can I decide what career I´d like to pursue?
How can I find more time in my day?
How can I quickly find what I am looking for on a web site?
What will I need to help keep my room and clothes clean?
How can I navigate a new site more quickly?
How can I increase my concentration time when studying?
Should I pay for a scholarship search?
What kitchen items do I need for dorm living?
Where should you place your backpack?
How can you focus on what is important?
How can homework be more enjoyable?
What should I do if I need help with an assignment?
How can I improve my vocabulary?
How do I prepare for the college interview?
How should you study for a test?
How can I break up my study time?
How can you make the first day of school less nerve-wracking?
Who can I call when I need help with my homework?
When is a good study time?
How can I improve my grade in social studies?
Where can I find online scholarship listings?
Can students apply for scholarships online?
Are there scholarships available only to students in my state?
How do I know what clothes to take to college?
How can I make my college application look better?
How can you improve your reading comprehension?
What should you put on the family calendar?
How can I improve my grades?
Do you have any tips for good writing?
How can I organize my college information packets?
Should you hurry through your homework?
How can you avoid last minute emergencies?
What can I do to help me reach my goals?
Should you ask a teacher for contact information?
When is my essay done?
Do I need a phone for my dorm room?
How can you make your time more productive?
How can I make my application stand out in the crowd?
How can I improve my class participation?
What can I do to help me decide on a career?
How do I know if a career is right for me?
How can I keep my notebook and textbooks together?
What supplies should you keep in your study area?
When should you ask a question?
How can you increase your motivation?
Is it important to learn to type?
How can we organize our family calendar?
How can I improve my scores on the ACT and SAT?
What type of lists should you keep?
What could make studying and test taking easier?
Do you have any tips on writing research papers?
What can you do to avoid distractions?
When is a good time to make campus visits?
How can you save time in the morning?
How can you be more effective on tests?
How can you save a little time during the week?
Where is a good place for the family calendar?
How should we break up the family calendar?
I am a slow reader. How can I get all of my readings done for class?
What is the best way to read assigned literature?
Is it better to make a paper or online application to college?
Can I apply to college online?
Should I take breaks when I study?
Where to study?
How can I improve my grades in class discussions?
What games could I do while traveling?
How can I made myself do those chores I hate?
What dates should you put on your family calendar?
How often should you check your weekly calendar?
How can I know what´s new at my school?
How can I enjoy my summer when I am worring about my fall schedule?
What kind of organizer is right for me?
Where should you place your homework when you are done?
Why do teachers give homework?
Why should we have a family calendar?
How can I improve my essays or research papers.
How can I improve my essays or research papers?
How can I organize my college search materials?
What can I do in the summer to get ready for school?
How can I keep track of interesting web sites?
How can you limit the materials you foget for school?
When should you log in assignments?
Is getting good rest important?
What kind of resources should I use in research?
Is it OK to contact a teacher outside of class about homework ?
What can you use to organize large quantities of research?
How can you avoid shuffling through loose handouts?
What is the best way to approach a long term project?
When and where should you study for a test?
How are students selected to participate in leadership opportunities?
My Favorites list is so long I can´t find anything. What can I do?
How can I know more about the activities at my school?
What can I do to help my writing skills?
How can a long term project be broken up?
How can I accomplish more during my study time?
How can you focus more attention on your work?
Should you share the goals that you have set?

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Candi Wingate